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Achieving dreams

Things I Ask CHat GPT

I've always been a dreamer. But having kids was a stark reminder that there's a big difference between having dreams and pursuing them. So my promise to myself is to make time to define and take steps toward achieving those dreams. In my blog I use prompts and writing exercises to articulate and achieve those big dreams, even in a busy over-stimulated life. 

my influences

Before influencers there were influences. I have many influences and very few of them are influencers. This section discusses books, websites, food, philosophers, artists, and practices that keep my mind and body and spirit engaged.

Questions I Ask Chat GPT

Being enraged with Chat GPT got old fast. I've made a dedicated effort to find ways I feel comfortable using AI, and while it hurts to admit, it's an incredible timesaving and brainstorming resource that gives me more time to write. I hope you find these ideas as useful as I have.

Simplicity & Process

I think as ”easy” as we’ve made things, we’ve flipped the script on simplicity. I miss simplicity. In an effort to find it, I’ve studied process on all fronts—life, home, and writing. Learn more about how I've applied them and what's worked best on my path toward my dreams.

My thoughts are compulsive enough that if I don't explore them they'll control me until I do. Here's where I chase them down and shape the ideas that inform my characters, which in turn inform my research, my plots, my stories, and my message. 

Things I
think about

NOTE: I am not disillusioned by the fact that it may appear as though I'm trying to become an influencer here... I promise, I'm not.